Topcon + Cal Poly = The Next Generation of Precision Agriculture Engineers

Topcon Positioning systems is a branch of the Topcon Corporation that focuses on automation in construction and precision agriculture industries, but what's most notable about Topcon is their interest in investing in the next generation of engineers. 

Topcon partners with many schools across the globe, but there are only a few Top Tier Partners to Topcon and Cal Poly is one of them. Cal Poly is very attractive because of its “Learn By Doing Motto”. Topcon started in the construction industry then in 2008 they began testing similar automation used on bulldozers on farm tractors. This is how they became a strong player in the agriculture technology

industry. On campus, Topcon is involved with the Construction Management Department and The BioResource and Agricultural Engineering Department (BRAE). Topcon has a long standing relationship with BRAE, but they are new to work with Construction Management students. Topcon initially began in the BRAE department because they were interested in hosting a Top Tier Partnership in Cal Poly because of the close proximity to one of their US offices, and they had an interest in working with California’s diverse set of commodities. Specifically becoming involved in permanent crops and fresh fruit. Topcon has supplied the BRAE department, specifically the surveying class, with the newest equipment and continues to cycle through new equipment. They have even supported specific classes such as a precision automation class taught by a Cal Poly BRAE professor. Another attractive quality Cal Poly possesses is that professors come from industry, so they are able to bring their experience to courses and can teach about equipment they have likely encountered in the field. BRAE teaches all of the surveying classes for the entire university, so the construction students have taken surveying classes through the BRAE Department, but there are so many students taking these classes that construction management has had to adopt similar coursework which was sponsored by Topcon. 

Mike Gomes is the Vice President of Business Development at Topcon and a Cal Poly Ag Business graduate. He stated that “the best and brightest students use the best tech”. 

While this donation is extremely generous, Topcon views this partnership as a two way street. Topcon’s purpose is to, first aid farmers financially by helping lower input costs, and second to protect the

environment. Topcon utilizes Cal Poly by providing them with equipment which they test and collect data for, but it also prepares students for working in the precision ag industry. Topcon is one of few surveying equipment manufacturers, so training students in the field with equipment they will likely use in their future is investing right back in the future of Topcon. 

Because they invest so much in Cal Poly, Topcon has come back to Cal Poly time and time again looking for interns, which they see as future employees, and recent graduates ready to serve as full time employees. There are many Cal Poly alumni working all over the country and even the world for Topcon. While Topcon has a physical presence on every continent, they only have around 2000 employees. After being offered a position at Topcon, people will send time on one of the many Topcon laboratory campuses where the motto, similar to Cal Poly, is Learn Apply Build. On the agriculture side, the unofficial motto is Learn Apply Grow.

In 2017, Topcon had four Cal Poly interns, all four were offered full time positions and three accepted and have grown immensely in the company. One of which was 2019 BRAE graduate Andrew Pifferini. Pifferini came to Cal Poly as a Civil Engineer and switched to BRAE because civil was not “creative enough”. After his summer internship ended, Pifferini was offered a position as a test engineer where he was soon promoted to product manager. He noted that there is enormous room for growth within the company, “from bottom to top everyone supports you...if you succeed, Topcon succeeds”. His favorite part of the job is giving demonstrations to prospective clients and building relationships with them. Andrew is looking forward to his future growth at Topcon. Beyond their engineering purposes, Topcon is an internally functioning business, so they are also in need of businessmen, HR personnel, and an executive staff. With such a great track record at Cal Poly, Topcon looked no further when hiring HR and business interns. Cal Poly college of Liberal Arts graduate Breanna Wong was hired at Topcon after completing a HR internship with Topcon. 

While the COVID 19 pandemic affected many companies negatively, Topcon found a number of positive results of the pandemic. Digital learning pushed Topcon to expand their involvement at Cal Poly and establish their presence beyond the BRAE department. 

Precision agriculture is the future of agriculture to continue increasing yields and protect the land it is grown upon. Topcon is a perfect representation of connection with universities, research, professional client driven relationships. From partnering with universities, to their tremendously successful internship program, to bringing on employees and supporting them throughout their growth within the company, Topcon has become home to countess Cal Poly graduates.


Payton Paschoal
