The Seasonal Homestead: A Gardener Turned Homesteader

 The Seasonal Homestead: A Gardener Turned Homesteader

The Woman Behind It All 

Becky Porter is a mother of four living on two thirds of an acre in Arkansas. She first started gardening right after she got married and was consistent about planting for each season. Soon after Becky had her third child, her health spun out of control. Depression, anxiety, stomach pains, multiple trips to the doctor and no answers. This began her healthy eating journey that would launch a new lifestyle. 

The Goal of the Garden 

Becky’s goal in starting her new lifestyle was to eat vegetables only from her backyard for an entire year. By going back to the eating habits of our ancestors she was able to regain her health and has made immense progress. Because of her amazing transformation she hopes to empower people to be self-sufficient in growing their foods and has dedicated her time to educating and helping others. Today, her and her family grow, eat and preserve 100% of the vegetables from their garden. 

“The Weekly Digs”

The first step in going public with her garden and gaining the following she needed in order to inform and educate the public was her blog. Every week she posts step by steps of what her family is growing, preserving, eating, and doing that week. Readers can follow along with her and be on the same growing schedule or they can pick and choose ‘weekly digs’ to read to get the information about gardening that they need. 



Her next milestone in becoming an influencer was when her photos were brought to pinterest. She became a big hit and has gained 13.1 K followers as well as over 4.6 million in monthly views. She posts gardening secrets, food preservation techniques, time management, how to start a year round garden, layouts and planning, seed picks, and much more! Basically her blog focus but in a more convenient setting. You can check out her page here!


Instagram is a more casual setting for Becky Porter to post more about her personal life. While all her platforms are very transparent, Instagram is her outlet to post about everyday life and things that go on unrelated to her garden. Through her Instagram we get to know her family better, and see their everyday life through posts and stories. The best part of her Instagram page are her ‘Garden To Table’ stories. Here she shows exactly how her family picks and preps the veggies. Her audience on this platform would be people who are more interested in Becky as a person and want daily updates and recipes. You can see her account here!

Youtube Channel 

Youtube is where we can learn her routines the best. She provides videos of her walking through the canning process with her kids, as well as in depth gardening tips. She shows her journey through videos to radical self-sufficiency. Her videos are interactive and fun to watch as she makes hard work look like a wonderful time with her family! She is great at interacting with her subscribers and answering any questions people might have from her videos. My favorite video on her page was this one showing a tour of her garden - you can watch here!

Where Will She Go From Here?

Becky is currently in the process of creating her recipe boxes to be sold. Maybe we will see her on the newest and most popular app TikTok in the future...? I sure hope so! That would be a wonderful way to reach an even broader array of audiences. Until then, she is really doing a wonderful job of keeping up her presence on all platforms while also maintaining a family and her massive garden! The thing that attracts viewers the most is her ability to do it all. She is truly inspiring to people from all backgrounds and does an excellent job of influencing her following to live a more simple and healthy life.

Chloe Bernal
